Calming Baffles

Calming baffles- Mixing chemicals and other substances appropriately together is not exactly like mixing a cake batter. It requires a proper container. Moreover, it also requires appropriate baffles. These baffles are the long & flat plates that are attached to the interior of the tank that is to be used for mixing the chemicals together. Sometimes, working as an alternative to a mixer, baffles promote the flow of the fluids in a container that increases efficiency. Also, baffles prevent the swirling in agitation by converting the swirling motion into a desired pattern of flow.

Sepco Process Inc. is a great manufacturer and a supplier of high-quality baffles. We have a team of some experienced certified engineers who are all dedicated towards ensuring the quality of our products and services to be the best. From longitudinal flow baffles; that are used in a two-pass shell; to De-resonating (Detuning) baffles that are used in the reduction of the vibration of the tunes, we strive to manufacture and supply every type of baffles required for the chemical processing industries.
